Monmouth College's Hutchinson selected to attend NCAA institute

Monmouth, IL (09/21/2018) — Monmouth College Vice President for Student Life & Dean of Students Laura Hutchinson has been selected to attend the National Collegiate Athletic Association's annual convention in January, participating in its Division III Athletics Direct Report Institute.

The Athletic Direct Report is the individual to whom the director of athletics reports when the president or chancellor designate oversight of intercollegiate athletics to another individual. Campus ADRs must apply for the DIII institute program and 20 individuals are selected to attend the two-day event.

Part of Hutchinson's responsibilities include overseeing the Fighting Scots' athletic program. Monmouth athletics, which includes 24 varsity teams, compete on the NCAA Division III level. In most sports, the Fighting Scots are a member of the Midwest Conference.

"I am honored to be selected for the 2019 ADR Institute and represent the Midwest Conference there and at NCAA Convention," she said. "Having served at several DI institutions, as well as DIII, prior to coming to Monmouth, I can't say enough about the privilege to help graduate student-athletes who leave as balanced men and women having had access to all their college experience offers them academically and socially."

The ADR Institute's goal is to engage Division III ADRs in best practices to oversee and manage athletic departments and to improve their relationships with their presidents, athletic directors and conference commissioners. The institute will focus on managing athletics personnel, student-athlete well-being, relationship building, conference office engagement, and NCAA governance and philosophy through interactive discussions with ADR peers and other expert presenters.

Hutchinson has served college students for more than 25 years and as a dean since 2005. In her time on college campuses, she has overseen a wide variety of areas involving student life including health promotion, student conduct and behavior, and student outreach.

"I feel a deep sense of responsibility to my students and our athletic personnel to provide sound guidance and passionate advocacy for them, and I know the Institute will offer me the right tools and networking opportunities to do this work well," she said. "I am grateful to (MWC) Executive Director Heather Benning for her endorsement, to Monmouth College Athletic Director and Head Track and Field Coach Roger Haynes and to President Clarence Wyatt for their support, and to the NCAA for its commitment to the professional development of those of us who believe in the 'DIII Way.'"

A Midwest Conference ADR has been selected to attend the Institute in each of its four years of existence.

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