Emma Romano
  • business administration
  • Class of 2025
  • Wilmington, Ill.

Romano part of Monmouth College Chorale's annual spring break tour

2023 Mar 9

Emma Romano of Wilmington was one of the singers on the Monmouth College Chorale's annual spring break tour. This year's tour included performances in Nebraska, Colorado and Missouri. The "home" concert will be held at 7:30 p.m. March 18 in the Kasch Performance Hall of Dahl Chapel and Auditorium.

Some of the selections that the Chorale and Chamber Choir performed during their tour included "Sing Joyfully" by William Byrd (1543-1623), "When I Fall in Love" by Victor Young (1900-1956), the traditional folk song "Shenandoah," and "Dawn and Dusk" by Ken Steven (b. 1993).